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Friday, 17 February 2012

As Channeled by Greg Giles

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/16/12

Posted: 16 Feb 2012 12:16 PM PST

We have gently influenced you in ways to bring about greater understandings and to assist in the facilitation of learning and the expansion of your consciousness. We have also been able to detect and monitor negative beings who have been able to influence certain people, and who have been able to detect weaknesses of a particular person and find ways to influence them in this way. Given permission, we of the Galactic Federation of Light will see to it this undue influence abruptly ends, and we have specially trained personnel to deal with these negative beings and remove them from your sphere.
All one needs to do is grant us this permission by stating either out loud or to themselves words such as ‘I command all negative extraterrestrial, negative terrestrial, and negative entities to vacate my personal sphere as well as my surroundings at once and forever’, or any similar declaration in your own words, and we will immediately take action to come to your aid and purify your home, office, or wherever it is you are. This is one of the tasks we are trained for and are better suited to handle then you at the present time, and we look forward to assist you in this way.
There are many tasks that we have trained for to be of service to you, our human family, and we are eager to put our extensive training to good use. We see your world flourishing with just a little assistance from your family who love you very much and only wish the best for you in every way. We see many of you working very hard to roll out the welcome mat for us and your efforts are greatly appreciated. They will pay off for you and all of your brothers and sisters, as the day when we can openly work with you is fastly approaching. We have assured you that if you keep up your end of the bargain that we would not let you down in any way, and we will keep our word.
Much has been transpiring in the past few days and we see matters proceeding smoothly and efficiently and the path being cleared for our open first contact with you. Please keep up the fine work you are all doing spreading the news of our existence and imminent arrival to your home, as this is a vital area that needs to be taken care of and there are not very many of you to do this sort of work. Even in your small numbers, we knew you could get the job done. That is why you were selected out of the many who offered their services here on this mission to restore love and light to this darkened world. Your efforts are soon to bear fruit dear ones, and we ask you not to back off of the gas pedal, as it were, but to push forward now with all you have as we are almost there, and once this initial phase of our plan is accomplished humanity is in for the joy ride of a lifetime as many incredible advancements are in store for you.
These changes will transpire rapidly, and so many areas of your lives will change seemingly overnight, though other areas of transformation may take a little more time, but in due time all of the areas of your society that serve only to hold you back and keep you under someone else's control will be completely modified to allow you the freedom that is rightfully yours. We will assist you to remove all your needs to pay so much of your wages for energy, as paying for energy is not necessary in an advanced society. What a remarkable change this will be for you and these changes can begin immediately upon the initiation of a working relationship between us. This is one of the projects that will bring you so much freedom from your oppressors, yet there are so many other areas we are eager to attend to.
One of the vital areas of your world that requires attention as you approach your ascension into the higher realms is the purification of the pollution all over your planet. Not unlike your physical bodies, it is necessary for your mother planet to also purify herself in order to increase her vibrational frequency. She is attending to her own purification in many ways, but you, with our assistance, can assist her in this great task and this is one of the projects we must get underway soon as the clock is ticking and there is so much to be done.
Moving on to matters taking place behind the scenes of your political world, our Earth allies are prepared to launch a series of arrests and removal from positions of power many important leaders and members of the criminal Cabal. We have assured you these arrests will take place and we will make good on our word. You will witness these events soon, and this will usher in the many positive changes we have spoken about. Suffice it to say, that these arrests are the catalyst for all the rest of the much needed changes and we see these legal maneuvers as possibly the most important event in the history of your world. This is why we, along with our earthen brothers and sisters, have been so meticulous in our preparations as we wish for these maneuvers to transpire as smoothly and efficiently as possible, leaving the dark ones no means of escape through legal loopholes, or any other means. We of the higher realms look forward to these arrests just as much as many of you do, and we are quite eager to see this day manifest. It will, you can be assured of this, and the advancements of your world will also begin as we have described to you many times. This is what we do, and we are quite capable at our jobs.
Many of you will soon be training with us, and you will then see for yourselves why we are so confident in our abilities, as we are sure you to will soon be very confident in your newly acquired skills. We look so forward to sharing our knowledge with you, and also look so forward to learn a great deal from you as well, as this was one of the prime reasons for your earthly incarnations, to acquire much knowledge of a 3rd dimensional world and to share this knowledge with those of us in the higher realms who may not have had the opportunities for the education you have gained. This is how this universe functions as it has been designed. Each of us assists another in the unique ways that we can, and shares the gifts of our wisdom and knowledge with all beings throughout this universe. You too will be sharing your many gifts as well dear ones, and we look so forward to this exchange of gifts with you, our brothers and sisters in light.
You have all gone through so much here in your 3D world of struggle and hardship, and wish you all to know that none of your difficult times are meaningless, as all the wisdom you have gained through such experience is a very valuable and cherished treasure throughout this universe. You will understand this so much better when we can more openly discuss such things with you, but just know dear ones that there has been a reason, a very important reason, for all your suffering and you will see and understand soon just why you volunteered for such assignments that you knew full well would lead you through such difficult times in your lives. There are so many others who will benefit so greatly from your sacrifices, and we wish to thank you so much for everything you have done and continue to do. You are all very special and very brave, and when you look in the mirror we wish you to always remember this, as we do when we think of you.
This will all be over for you very soon and there will be no more difficult times such as these along the path of your new lives. There will be other challenges for you, but none such as the experiences you have endured here in the physical realm. We look so forward to welcoming you to your new lives, and will hold the door open for you as we await your homecoming.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles
Peace be with you readers

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Maessage From Paul Galactic Federation


Today i received a message
It reads

The shadow is all about the government. Your world is today steeped in a dark conspiracy that involves the taking of your homes, your money, your health, and your freedom, if you can consider what you are experiencing freedom. You all, every one of you, are prisoners in a world of your own creation, although there are different levels of your complicity in it all. Some of you have been willing participants, others forced or threatened, others conned, but all of you have one thing in common, you are all prisoners and you must escape your captors if you ever wish to breathe the sweet air of freedom ever again. And this is the plan.

We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are here and there are others as well, to assist you to free yourselves, but as we have stressed many times we are not here to do your work for you. We are here to make your decree a reality, nothing more and nothing less. What is your decree? Do you wish to go on living a lie such as you are, that you are free and enjoying all the gifts the Creator has bestowed upon you? Or are you to awaken and take fully conscious notice of what has slowly crept up all around you to encase you within the walls of an ever growing fascist dictatorship?
There are so few of those who wish to enslave you, and so very many of you. The numbers are so in your favor and we are currently seeing to it that these dark ones be disarmed, to give you, the people, a fighting chance. Without a military armed to the teeth with advanced weaponry of untold proportions, we see the playing field leveled a great deal, and we now see the people rising up to take back which is rightfully theirs. The time has come for this. We look to you to stand up and take back what has been systematically stolen from you over so many centuries of time.

It all starts with you, not you as a planet of billions, but you individually. When each of you as an individual awakens to this injustice and then joins his fellow man who has shouldered the responsibility to inform himself of what is transpiring all around him, then it begins. That is when the wheels are set into motion and your reality can change, but not until the individual you are awakens to join the collective. Are you now awakened? That is the question before you today. If you answered yes to this question, then we salute you and ask you now to join your fellow man who has also answered yes to this question. It is only when every one of you awakens and seeks change that we can assist on a further level. We are at the ready. We are prepared and very eager to help you facilitate the removal of your dark ones who today infest your world. We know where they all are. None can hide from us. Let us assist you in this way and do what we do best, which is to help lift worlds like yours out of the darkness they find themselves in.

Disclosure is a very real and necessary step that must be made on our way to a reunion with you that will allow us to more efficiently assist you in your time of need. Time is running short and there is much to do, so we ask you now to clear the way for us to make open contact. We cannot do this for you. We ask that you spread the word that we are here. We can only promise you again that we will not let you down and leave you looking the fool or the lunatic. You will be perceived as a pioneer, a groundbreaker, a leader of your fellow man when all this is through and we land on your soil for all to see. This day will come and come soon. You can be assured of this as this must happen to ensure the most suitable transition from your current 3rd dimensional state to your new homes in the 5th. That is our intention. You can and will benefit greatly from our assistance. Know this, as we speak the truth.

See to it you all do the tasks that are required of you to step up our involvement in these affairs. This is an important job, and each of you reading these words has been carefully chosen for this assignment. Many expressed interest for this mission as your reward for your efforts here will be great, as well, of course, due to your inborn natures to wish to help others in every way you can. We selected those we felt would not allow fear or latency to deter them from their assignments and we are also happy to see so many of you responding in such great numbers. We now see the light at the end of the tunnel, and we await the moment when your voices of truth spread just far enough for us to make our move. You are so very close to this moment. Do not slow now. Do not allow the recent disappointment many of you felt deter you away from your duties. All has not been for naught, and many positives derived from this experience. Know this as this is the truth and move on.

We will again step up the sightings of our vast fleets of lightships so our Lightworkers can photograph and videotape them to disseminate throughout your Internet. This is one part of the plan we can get underway and we feel many of you will enjoy these opportunities to see your Star Families flying overhead. Know that we fill our ships and that we can see many of you as you witness our appearances. We even know some of you by name, as we have met before to work out some details about our working relationship. Keep your eyes to the skies. Keep up the good work you are all doing, as you are making an untold difference each and every day.

The vast endeavor we have all agreed to undertake is not an easy one by any stretch of the imagination, and we honor your courage and your patience to persevere under the difficult conditions you live in. We can assure you we are moving ahead with the operation precisely according to a prearranged schedule, as there has been, and will not be, any delays permitted under any circumstances. There are far too many of us on our side of this mission to permit such delays, so you can be certain we operate on a very tight schedule. Your mission will be completed according to the time schedule agreed upon, no later, and many of you will re-sign with us for more duties here, and even on the next world that can benefit from our assistance. This is what we do, and we could not do this without you. You are very special to us and your entire universe, and you are revered for your courage and your selflessness.
Today, many eyes of the universe are upon you, and we know you will succeed as you have so many times before. Continue on now with your duties, we cannot thank you enough dear ones and we will persevere with our duties on our end, and very soon we shall meet on middle ground. Allow us the time to continue coming through to you in this way, as much is being gained from this as well.

We have in store a few surprises for the Cabal, and wish to present them with these soon. We know they will be very surprised of what we have in store for them. Be on the lookout for information in this regard, as we know you, our trusted Lightworkers, will also find this news very interesting. Mind you, this will all be displayed for all to see and you will not need a privileged pass to witness firsthand the fruits of your efforts. Let's just say that matters are heating up and there will be those who hop from the frying pan into the fire very soon. We promised you that if you all did your parts and upheld your end of the bargain that we would uphold ours. You will soon bear witness to just how we keep our word. Stay tuned, stay focused. The end of this chapter is near.

Moving on through the days after the last of the cabalists are removed from your path, you will see your days filled with more and more uplifting moments and great surprises. Not all your work is to be so difficult and seemingly unrewarding, as we have promised worthy payoffs as well, and this we shall also deliver on. Many new projects will get underway building a better infrastructure of your society. Everyone will pitch in and everyone will be pleasantly rewarded as this is how a Galactic community operates and thrives when all resistance is finally removed, and this is what we are together accomplishing today. Please be advised many of you will be contacted in the near future, in an offer of a more personal working relationship with us, as you have proven your meritorious service and commitment to your duties and to the light. For this, you shall be compensated, and we greatly appreciate each of your individual, as well as collective, efforts.
Continue on in your service today. We are nearly at the point where we can close out the initial purification stages of our multifaceted operation. With your continued assistance these pressing matters will be resolved quickly and efficiently, allowing us to then proceed with the next phase of the plan which we know you will greatly enjoy. Until then, continue to persevere. The end is well insight.

I am Paul of the Galactic Federation of Light, and it has been an honor to speak with you today. Be well my friends.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Many thanks for reading i love you all
Be Well

Monday, 6 February 2012

Galacic Federation


It Reads..

Message from Sara of the Galactic Federation 2/5/12

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 01:39 PM PST

Only one who searches for his or her own truth will learn just how the planet works inside. Those who seek bigger and greater ways of life are the ones who today seek out the tough answers to today's questions. Are you a seeker and a truth teller? Are you one of the few who will leave the comforts of your familiar beliefs and head out into the unknown of question and seek new answers to this new way of life? What is in store for those who seek higher planes of wisdom is a treasure so great, so freeing to his or her own being and soul that we tell you to step out of the familiar of your current belief systems and challenge everything you have come to know is your reality. What is it is all about, how it operates, how it began, how it will end, and we tell you again dear ones, it is all up to you. This is the key to your answers, although each of you has your own door to unlock and each of your keys are unique to your paths of travel. There is not but one key and one truth, but millions and billions of keys and truths and it is up to each and every one of you to seek and to find your own way and your own meaning to it all.
We congratulate every one of you not for solving life's most difficult riddles, but we celebrate those of you who take the initiative to find an answer that better fits the question most burning in your mind today. Seek these answers and you shall find, it cannot be any simpler than that. There are those who ask others for the answers to some of these questions and this too is fine, although you will only find from this mode of query someone else's truth, and not your own, for another only knows the answers they have found through the quest for their own truth, and all the truths collected along their way are unique and personal to them. Pursue it my dears and step out and seek the answers that will set you so free. We cannot promise you that you will find the answers you seek, but we can assure you that you will benefit so greatly from the quest itself, and for this, all your efforts will be greatly worth it.
Believe in yourselves, as we believe in you. If you could do this, you can do anything, accomplish anything, change anything, tear down anything, build anything, and manifest anything. Believing in your abilities is the first step. You will not receive proof of your powers until it is after you have given yourself over to full commitment and belief. Faith is such a large part of your new existence, as it all starts with this cornerstone. Trust in yourselves, believe in your powers, have faith in what will come. Take these words and begin with a new focus from this point forward, with a new mindset that you have the ability to accomplish anything and you will create together your new home within the higher realms. Know that nothing can stop you, as nothing can.
We see many changes that will begin shortly. Nothing can stop these changes, and all along it has only been a matter of time. That time has come, and many changes must begin to take root to keep on schedule to the overall plan. Remain focused on each day before you, not on the past or the future, not on events that have already happened or fail to happen, and do not focus on events that have yet to happen. Focus on the now, focus only on the task at hand before you today. What is that task? Is it to wonder why yesterday did not bring what you had wished for? Is it a day to wonder if tomorrow will bring what you desire? No, it is neither of these things. Today is a day to accomplish the tasks required of you now. What is your task? Each day you should know just what to do as soon as you awaken to the new light. You should have before you a game plan to follow each day to more efficiently allot your time and to use it to its greatest potential. There is not much time left to accomplish so many goals. All of you awakened today must busy yourselves with the tasks at hand, and many more are needed to awaken to join in the cause and assist in the tasks assigned them in their own incarnate blueprint.
Many of you should have discovered by now exactly what it is they are to be doing now, and if you haven't learned this by now we tell you to go with your most raw of instincts and allow your intuition to guide you to your workstation. Don't think too much about it, just follow your heart and act. We tell you that you can never go wrong when following your heart. What is it you like to do? Do you like to write? Communicate with others? Heal others? Counsel others? All these tasks are needed in these challenging times. Where is it that your heart leads you?
Take in stride the bumps in the road you may encounter, as it is in the grace that you handle these obstacles that will see you reap the greatest benefits of your journey. Do not get hung up on one specific task or problem, but rely on your intuition to tell you when it is time to move on. You know you will succeed in every endeavor you take on. Trust in yourselves, believe in your powers, have faith in what will come. We tell you, together you can move mountains, and you can change your world. We have seen this a thousand times before, and we will see this again. We have nothing but faith in you all, we know you won't let us down, and we know you will never let yourselves down.
Turning to matters of your external world, we are currently sweeping your entire globe for those with allegiance to the dark cabal, and we are removing the last vestiges of their fighting forces. Their numbers have dwindled so completely, that soon they will no longer be able to call themselves a military. Their leaders are next, and they are fully aware of this. Today they hide, but we know just where to find them. They cannot, or will not, escape the justice they will receive. We will see to that, and we ask for you to be the administrators of these proceedings. It is your jobs to be the judge and jury, we are merely here to assist you in this task. Punishment, rehabilitation, restitution, is all up to you. Whatever it is you decide collectively we will abide by. This is how it is, and this is how it will always be in this and all other pressing matters as well.
We see the overall plan proceeding perfectly according to schedule. There have been no recent drawbacks as many of you believe today. Instead, we see you have recently made a great advancement for yourselves. Where this is, is for you to decide. Remember always that what changes inside a being is always more important than what changes outside. Nothing may have seemed to change without you, but many today cannot pretend that something did not change within them. Again we advise you to follow your hearts and your intuition here. This is what will lead you to this, as well as all the answers to the questions most on your mind today.
Remain focused on your tasks at hand. You are making such great strides towards your collective dream. You are almost there. Do not give up now. Do not allow yourself to fall into doubt and uncertainty. These are merely traps set within the illusion. They are not real, only what you create is real. Are these the things you wish to create for yourselves? If not, then ignore them as they do not exist in your new reality. They are mere shadowy objects of your own vivid imagination that you will pass on the way to your truth. What your truth is, is for you to discover, and what you desire is for you to create. It is all up to you. There are no rules and no limitations to hold you back any longer. You hold the reigns; you make all the decisions now. It is your world to do with it what you desire. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are merely here to make sure no one interferes with your dream, and we gladly serve you in this way. Now go on and dream and create all it is that you so desire. All will come to you. Understand this, know this, believe this, and your powers will multiply by the thousands.
I am Sara of the Galactic Federation of Light, and it has been an honor to speak with you today.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Love and respect to all who view this feel free to pass it on..

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Galactic Federation Repost


I recieved a Galactic Federation repost

It Reads

There are some at this time who are asking when ascension related events will begin to take place. For all those waiting for just one major ascension event to take place, please understand that ascension and all its related branches is a process, an ongoing process that is already happening all around you. Although there will be a culmination celebration, if you only wait for this event to take place you will certainly miss many important and exciting events that are transpiring every day.
Are you waiting for first contact? I tell you first contact has already happened for many of your brothers and sisters. Are you waiting for the new financial system? See: worldwide banking system collapse, the 'Trillion Dollar Lawsuit', and other related information regarding the new system. Are you waiting for legal action against dark cabal agents? See: successful indictments against Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, legal action against Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, IMF chief Dominique Strauss- Kahn, News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch, and the recent arrests of four News Corp. staff members and one U.K. policeman. Are you waiting for shifts in military power? See: the Navy's takeover of 'landlocked' NORAD, the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, as well as the reports from the Galactic Federation concerning their campaign against the cabal’s secret space command. Are you waiting for social changes? See: the Occupy Movement. Are you waiting for Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command intervention? See: space shuttle grounded, failing satellites, failing rockets, and underground bases destroyed. Are you waiting for messages from higher intelligences? See: countless channelers and crop circles. Are you waiting for signs of geological changes? See: earthquakes, record warm winter temperatures throughout the world, and mysterious sounds echoing throughout the skies all across our planet. Are you waiting for extraterrestrial disclosure? See: Fox broadcasting Company, New York Times, , the History Channel, hundreds of local news stations,,, the New Zealand government, the UK government, as well as many countless insider whistleblowers and other sources. Are you waiting for ET spacecraft to begin de-cloaking? See: countless recent video and photographic evidence.
Keep in mind that all of this is a team effort, a participation project and a tremendous opportunity to get involved and help spread love and light to replace fear and its many derivatives, and it is all happening right now all around you. Don't wait for ascension and all its related events to come to you. They are already well underway and await you and your participation. Get involved today, and start living this, the most amazing time ever to be alive anywhere in the history of this planet!

Many thanks

Love and Respect to all viewers
