I recieved a Galactic Federation repost
It Reads
There are some at this time who are asking when ascension related events will begin to take place. For all those waiting for just one major ascension event to take place, please understand that ascension and all its related branches is a process, an ongoing process that is already happening all around you. Although there will be a culmination celebration, if you only wait for this event to take place you will certainly miss many important and exciting events that are transpiring every day.
Are you waiting for first contact? I tell you first contact has already happened for many of your brothers and sisters. Are you waiting for the new financial system? See: worldwide banking system collapse, the 'Trillion Dollar Lawsuit', and other related information regarding the new system. Are you waiting for legal action against dark cabal agents? See: successful indictments against Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, legal action against Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, IMF chief Dominique Strauss- Kahn, News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch, and the recent arrests of four News Corp. staff members and one U.K. policeman. Are you waiting for shifts in military power? See: the Navy's takeover of 'landlocked' NORAD, the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, as well as the reports from the Galactic Federation concerning their campaign against the cabal’s secret space command. Are you waiting for social changes? See: the Occupy Movement. Are you waiting for Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command intervention? See: space shuttle grounded, failing satellites, failing rockets, and underground bases destroyed. Are you waiting for messages from higher intelligences? See: countless channelers and crop circles. Are you waiting for signs of geological changes? See: earthquakes, record warm winter temperatures throughout the world, and mysterious sounds echoing throughout the skies all across our planet. Are you waiting for extraterrestrial disclosure? See: Fox broadcasting Company, New York Times, , the History Channel, hundreds of local news stations, FBI.com, NSA.gov, the New Zealand government, the UK government, as well as many countless insider whistleblowers and other sources. Are you waiting for ET spacecraft to begin de-cloaking? See: countless recent video and photographic evidence.
Keep in mind that all of this is a team effort, a participation project and a tremendous opportunity to get involved and help spread love and light to replace fear and its many derivatives, and it is all happening right now all around you. Don't wait for ascension and all its related events to come to you. They are already well underway and await you and your participation. Get involved today, and start living this, the most amazing time ever to be alive anywhere in the history of this planet!
Many thanks
Love and Respect to all viewers
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