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Tuesday, 27 March 2012

my view

I believe that this message has been misinterpreted by Greg..
The lightshow is the magnificent sunshine and is affecting us
in ways we cannot yet understand..

The love emotion has been pounded by sunlight and therefore raised on many
The evidence is for all to see..
Take the Bolton footballer event..
That outpouring of love surely came from somewhere and regardless
Of the Football fraternity claiming they own it..
This is far away from being the case..

I believe they are scared people are losing interest and they cant be having that now can they..
They need you all still plugged into their sport..

The press and written Media are also trying to make it what it is not..

I honestly feel their grasp on the situation is a desperate bid to slow down our progress..

They cannot live without you the people to fund their bullshit so they scheme and plan to
delay your freedom..
Many will just continue on their paths and good luck to you if that is your choice..
I now speak to those who desire the change for your own reasons..
This is no time to waver or listen to the doubters..
It is your time to share your feelings and desires..

We head for pastures new and need to be set free from this illusion..

I cant wait and am tingling with atisipation..

I say goodbye world i have learned all your lessons and am a better person
For your daily hatred..
Good game satan but Checkmate Fella

Love and respect to all readers
May you Ascend in peace and love..

Thursday, 22 March 2012


Is now the time

Message from the Ashtar Command 3/21/12

Posted: 21 Mar 2012 07:38 PM PDT

Sorry we have left the lights out. Tomorrow we will turn the outboard lights of our ships on so many of you can see us for yourselves and take as much photographic and video evidence as you wish.

We of the Ashtar Command are joining with our brothers and sisters of the Galactic Federation of Light in allowing more sightings of our ships, as well as much clearer sightings, to act as icebreakers to our presence in your world.

Our command is also here in great numbers, and we have ships stationed above many different parts of your planet.
We would like you to also understand that although our ships may differ in appearance from some of those of the Galactic Federation of Light, when you see our ships you will not be seeing ships of the forces controlled by your dark Cabal. Our ships can be rather large in size, and our ships differ in their appearance somewhat from Galactic Federation of Light ships as our ships utilize light technologies as a source for their propulsion and operation and may differ greatly due to this these properties.

When you see our ships you will be seeing light that differs in color to the background of the sky or space. You will still be able to photograph and videotape our ships, although what will appear on your 3rd dimensional film will not be clear outlines and depictions of how our ships truly appear and look like to us from our perspective. Nonetheless, we feel it is important that we begin to make our ships known to the people of your world as we are here and you will be seeing our ships in your daytime as well as nighttime skies.

The Ashtar Command has many ships of varying size and capabilities. We have ships designed for peaceful application, and we also have warships used to assist in the removal of the forces of the dark from worlds where the lessons learned from them are no longer necessary for the education and upliftment of those of a particular planet. Our ships used for this purpose do not function such as the warships of your 3rd dimensional world, rather, our ships peacefully and harmlessly roundup and exile the machines of war and their crews from their positions around and throughout a planet.

Just as the Galactic Federation of Light, we to do all we can to make sure no harm comes to those of the opposing forces, but they must be removed somehow if they do not voluntarily surrender and end their resistance to the new direction of a society.

Our ships will radiate in many different vibrant colors as each color possesses a different property and allows for certain capabilities. You may refer to our ships as Lightships, for indeed this is how they will appear to you. Upon your ascension into the higher realms, our ships will appear slightly different to you, but depending on your level of advancement they may not appear in their true form and shape.

We would recommend that the people of your world begin to become familiar with the appearance of our ships and the appearance of Galactic Federation of Light ships as you will be seeing us in your skies and it may be useful for you to be able to recognize our different alliances and assist others in our identification.

We, the Ashtar Command, are aligned in our mission with the Galactic Federation of Light at this time. We are playing for the same team, we are both of the light, and are both here for the upliftment of your planet and her people. You will not be seeing any other organizations or alliances of the dark here any longer, and you have nothing to worry about in this regard. We now have your atmospheres secured, and they will remain this way all the way through your planet's ascension into the higher realms. You can be confident in our abilities and trust that we have performed operations such as this very many times before.

Your safety is in good hands. Do not fear any ships you see in your skies as they will be manned by beings of the light who are here in service to you at this time. We would like to see many of you sharing this information with your brothers and sisters as we wish to step up greatly the number and quality of the sightings of our ships and this can only be made possible when an adequate understanding of who we are and why we are here is reached by your people. ‘Help us help you’ are words we would like you to keep in mind as we proceed with the next phases of operation.

Many new avenues have been opened in recent days as we have been able to remove the Cabal’s fighting forces from their positions around your planet. We now enjoy the luxury of free movement and will take full advantage of this as we now proceed with the next phases of the overall mission. We have much to do together, and these activities will begin with a flurry of activity all around your world.

We will engage many of you in our operations and permit you to take back home with you evidence of your experiences with us to share with those of your world who wish to learn of us and see the truth of why we are here. There will be those who resist us and engage in a smear campaign against us and our reasons for being here, and we wish for you to act as a balancing agent for these attempts to discredit us.

We do not ask you to try to convince anyone of anything they do not wish to see. We only wish for you to share your truth and your understanding of us; that is all we ask. We do not ask anything more, and we thank you all for your tremendous efforts to spread the news of us and inform your brothers and sisters of what is transpiring in their world. Your work does not go unnoticed and will not go unrewarded. You have our word on this. Many surprises are in store for your people, and we look forward to presenting these gifts to you.

These are not gifts from strangers. These are gifts from family, for indeed that is who we are to you. We are your families from long ago, and we have returned in offer of assistance in your time of great change. Conditions will present themselves upon your planet where our experience and our technology will be very beneficial to you, and we would like nothing more than to share what we have with you and assist you in this way. This is the main reason we are here, and we ask you to allow us to assist you in this way and to trust us, for this trust in us will be rewarded.

When we feel the time is right we will begin contacting many of you who have demonstrated that you have no fear of us and a willingness to work with us.

How we will contact you differs from individual to individual, and we have effective methods to reach each and every one of you in one way or another.

At that time, you will be given details of these opportunities and we will begin meeting with each of you personally to discuss your options.
We have agreed to this undertaking in your skies to help better prepare your people for our eventual introductions to you.

We do not wish to create a panic situation and we do not wish to be the harbinger of confusion within your societies. We only wish to make our presence known to you and offer our assistance to your world through those who we feel we can safely and beneficially work with.

Please continue to be beacons of light for truth and understanding and share what you know about our command and what we do to assist worlds such as yours. Our intentions are honorable and peaceful, and all of your planet will see this in the days ahead.

Help make our introductions proceed as smoothly as possible, as it will benefit your world greatly if we can begin our many projects together as soon as possible. After the arrests of the members of the criminal Cabal, this will be your next task. Breaking through walls of fear and ignorance will be a most formidable task, but together we will succeed through effort, perseverance, and focus

. These are the keys to success, and they will unlock the door to avenues of incredible potential and possibility.

The time is now to proceed. Focus on this, and we will assist in our own ways with this worldwide disclosure. There are many advancements that will be yours once we can begin working with you, and all of you will benefit greatly, even those who resist us. This is the way it will be for a while, but the day will come when all of your world will see that we are what we have claimed to be.

There are no more tricks, there are no more cons, and there are no more plots and schemes that will work against you. We have assisted in our own way to see to that, and all the talk you may come upon will only be fear mongering and attempts at distraction and disinformation. Be advised to ignore this fear-based information as it has no basis in fact, and none of these fear-based predictions of Cabal trickery will ever materialize. We have said all along this would not be permitted and we have kept our word.

There will also be no other world war no matter what you read or how much this event is discussed through your media. These are attempts at distraction and to instill fear within the masses, but these are mere words and they will never materialize. Your world is headed for peace, prosperity and freedom for all beings on your planet, and nothing will stand in your way. Your biggest obstacle now as a society and as an individual is to overcome fear. Fear is now your greatest enemy. Fear is now your only enemy.

There is nothing to fear, as it is just an illusion. Allow it to dissipate as it has no place in your new home. The sooner you can all release these unfounded fears, the more quickly we can begin our many projects together which will see the upliftment of everyone across your entire planet. Much hardship will be obliterated forever once we can assist you, and it is fear and fear only that stands in the way of your new world. Tear down this wall as it stands on a foundation of lies and deceit, and allow us to help you make your world a better place for all of you.

There is one more matter left unresolved before we can begin, and that is the removal from your society of the many members of your criminal Cabal. Once we move beyond that stage your world will be filled with excitement and activity as we assist you to begin making the many great changes to your society.

This will be a very exciting period in your history, and lives everywhere across your planet will benefit greatly as they are touched by the love that the Creator and his universe has for them. Many lives have been touched this way, and it is now your turn as you have earned the gifts you are now to receive. The Creator showers his children with his gifts when they are ready to receive, and you have shown that this day for you has now come.
We are your Family of Light from the Stars.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012



It Reads

Ascension Earth 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/20/12

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 02:16 PM PDT

As the power continues to shift over to those of the light, you will see more changes all throughout your society. Be aware of these changes and continue to be a source of information for your brothers and sisters who will have little idea of what is transpiring around them. You have come to earth on assignment to assist, and you are now about to move into the thick of things as the changes that we have talked about are set to begin.

Be a pillar of strength for others in this time of great change as many will be confused and some frightened at these proceedings. We will keep you abreast at all times of updates throughout these events, and we will inform you of anything we feel you should know as these arrests continue throughout your world.

Stand by your convictions and continue to spread the news of these arrests that will begin shortly and sweep through countries all over your planet. We have advised you that all will see that your words were truth, and we assure you this will be the case. Have confidence in yourselves and of your work.

Know that you are doing the work of the light by sharing this information as it is very important for as many as possible to understand and recognize this event for what it is and what it will mean to the people of your planet.

Try to understand that not everyone thinks like you and that there will be those who see these arrests as bad news and signs of more negative things to come. Do your best to offer them an alternative view to these proceedings and see that these changes are very necessary to the upliftment of all the people of your world and your society as a whole. These changes were well overdue and their time has now come.

We see new doors to fly open all over your world upon these arrests, and as we have said, this event will merely be the beginning to a wonderful new start for your world.

So much of what you only believed to be possible in dreams will now be as real as everything you have ever known. Without the obstacles of the dark ones in your path, your journey will take on a remarkable new look and feel, and new roads will take you to great places and great heights many of you have never even dreamed of.

All that you have ever wanted, needed or desired will now be yours, and you will be free to do with these gifts whatever it is you would like as long as you respect the boundaries and rights of others. This will be your creed. This will be your law. This will be your new golden rule. When one respects this law, so many other laws that are on your books today can be taken down and done away with as they will no longer apply to your experience.

You are about to experience true freedom, for many of you for the first time throughout all of your incarnations into the physical, and we are here to make sure all that has served to keep you down and keep you repressed is removed from your new lives forever. Please be patient with us as we proceed with these many changes as they number greatly and can be very complex, but we assure you all the changes will proceed according to schedule and there will be no delays permitted of any kind. Once the obstacles of the dark ones are removed there shall be no other reasons to slow our progress in any way. You are now about see what real change looks like.

We will begin with a restructuring of you governments once the Cabal is removed from power. There has been a corruption of most of your world governments, in many cases leading all the way to the top of a hierarchal structure. We intend to tear down this pyramidal structural one block at a time and rebuild your governments with those of integrity, honor and a sense for justice and fair play.

These men and women will uphold your new law, and your new law will be based on love. This is the way it will be and there will be no toleration or exceptions to your new law, and all who try to stand in the way of your new system will be removed and taken to a place that more accurately matches their vibrational and consciousness levels. This is the way it must be as no one or nothing can be permitted to stand in the way of your newly forming world. As your new society is taking shape, it will be as a newborn baby that needs love, proper care and nurturing, and each and every one of you will be the parents of this newborn and it will be each of your responsibilities to raise her with love and give her what she needs.

Many of you have shown your worthiness to be the leaders of your new society and will, in the days ahead, be offered opportunities in your new governments. This is how it will be in your new world, where each of you will earn your positions within your society through your good deeds and your actions, and no longer will positions of power be filled through cronyism, influence peddling, or coercion in anyway. Your society will be free and clear of any corruption on any level, and there will be no reason for any of you to ever have to stray from the path of light in order to survive as all you will ever need for you and your families will be yours. Your new system will be a system based on abundance, and so many of the ills of your society that were symptoms of its cause of lack and scarcity will disappear forever.

It is now the time for what many of you have waited a very long time for. The show is about to start and we ask you to continue to be participants in your show and not spectators. There will be enough spectators to these proceedings and what we are asking for is performers to take their places center stage. We will act as directors for this production and suggest to you where your talents can be better utilized, but always keep in mind, we will only suggest our ideas to you and the final decisions for anything you do will be up to you as it is your world and you will call all the shots.

We are here in an advisory capacity and to help you in ways that you are not properly suited for. In the days ahead, you as a society will be fully capable to take care of yourselves in every possible way and we will move on, leaving ambassadors here to observe how your new world is growing and taking shape. They will report back to us, and we will always be there for you if ever you should require any of our assistance in the future. Many of you will be leaving with us as members of the Galactic Federation of Light as we journey to new worlds and begin our new assignments to assist another planet just as we are here assisting you. This is what we do, and we look forward to you joining us on our next mission.

Heightened states of awareness are what we intend throughout our missions to other worlds. We place our personnel within growing societies where they can be themselves and effectively raise the consciousness of others around them as they live their lives. This is a very effective method that we have worked on perfecting for many eons and we will continue this method as it has proven to be very effective in raising individual, as well as the collective consciousness of worlds. When the work of our Lightworkers is completed, it is time for them to rejoin us and move on to new areas of their work.

This is the case at this point in time here on this planet, as many of you are completing your assignments as Lightworkers to assist in the raising of the collective consciousness of this world. You will now be rejoining us as we proceed with the next stages of this operation. When all our work is completed here, it will be time to move on to new destinations and new assignments and you, of course, as members of the Galactic Federation of Light, as well as some of you who are members of other galactic commands, will rejoin your crews and travel to the location of your new missions.

Our work is never finished, of course, as there are newly born worlds every moment of every day throughout this universe, as it is an ever growing and ever expanding expression of the Creator’s dream. Each of you are an expression of the Creator's dream as well, and you too are ever-growing and ever-expanding each and every moment of each and every day. We are also here helping you grow into maturity, just as we are here in assistance to your society as a whole.

All throughout our journeys, there are higher dimensional beings guiding us and nurturing us, as this is the way this universe has been designed. None of us are ever alone on our journeys as we are protected, loved and cared for by those of higher realms whose mission it is to watch over those of lower realms and help them on their journey. This is the way it has always been, and this is the way it will always be.

We too have higher dimensional beings watching over us, guiding us and protecting us, and once you ascend you too will be called upon to watch over and guide beings from a lower dimension while those of the higher realms continue to watch over you. This is the way it is in this universe, as we are never left all alone without guidance on our never ending journey.

We are always cared for and protected, and this is why there is never a reason to fear. Fear is an illusion, as is separation, of your lower dimensional states, but as you ascend into the higher realms this illusion will fade away as the mirage it is and you will remember that you have never been alone and unprotected, not for one moment throughout your journey. We are here to help you remember this, and we are here watching over you, guiding you and protecting you, just as we have always been and always will.

I have never met such resilience to the truth before, but we see plowing through these walls of lack of information in due time as we push forward with our mission. Please be advised there will be further obstacles before us before you enter into the last and final stages of ascension, but these obstacles as well will be removed one by one by us together as a team. Looking towards these projects we see a finely tuned working machine consisting of members of your human family and members of our cosmic families. Together there is no obstacle that we will face that can stop us, and we will succeed as we have so many times before and go on to face new challenges and new adventures in this universe of ours.

Tougher jobs we have had, but that is not to say that this particular mission is not without its challenges. The Cabal and their minions have proven a formidable foe, but they have seen their last day as they now recede with the sunset and will not be permitted to see another day.

We have effectively neutralized their fighting forces and they are no longer able to mount any opposition to our movements and our plans to install a new societal system on your planet. Every plan, every strategy, every maneuver, and every wing and a prayer that they have thrown at us has been defeated and they are now out of options and will see no revival of their fighting forces or of their plans for world domination. It is all over for them. They know this, they know we know this, and now you know this. It is over.
Victory is ours together as it has always been written.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

16 Judges Arrested in Italian Mafia Raids

Posted: 20 Mar 2012 07:07 AM PDT

Story reposted from

Italian police have arrested 16 judges in what they say is a big anti-mafia operation centred on Naples.

They are alleged to have taken bribes to issue financial rulings in favour of the Camorra, the crime syndicate active around the southern city.

Altogether about 60 people are being held on suspicion of money laundering and corruption.

Buildings, cars and property worth 1bn euros (£829m; $1.3bn) were seized around Naples and in northern Italy.

The names of the detained 16 judges have not been revealed.

The police said the focus of the operation was the Fabroccino clan, which is believed to have bribed officials to obtain favourable court judgements.

The clan has become notorious for extortion and drug trafficking, but the police say they are also investigating its involvement in buying and selling property, hotel management and the food industry.

The authorities clearly believe that the corruption has spread far beyond the members of the clan itself, and that in this case even judges may have been working with the Camorra, the BBC's Alan Johnston in Rome reports


Saturday, 3 March 2012

Things happening right now

I found this and thought you may need this..
Many thanks to the author all credit must go to her..
Thanks to a reader for emailing me this important, and in my opinion accurate article by Aluna Joy and her Star Elders. It's an important guide and astrological reminder about the different major energies arriving and activating throughout 2012 and how things are going to change for the better. Everything up to this point has been prep work for what begins this year and now the 5D High Heart Unity Consciousness and everything else finally gets implemented. It's been a long time coming but we've done it and now the real fun begins.
March 3, 2012

The Star Elders with bits from Aluna Joy 2012
Sedona AZ — February 29 (leap year), 2012
"It is becoming clear now, regarding the energies of this year of 2012, that we have the critical point on our evolution. We all have been waiting for this time. This is our time. As old souls, incarnated and still ones un-manifested in this physical reality, we come at these precarious junction points, at the end/beginning of ages, because we absolutely love it.
Now you . . . that are already in physical form, you are having to deal with your rapidly morphing DNA and beyond that, adjust to the actual laws of nature that are changing right under your feet. You will feel like the carpet has been ripped out from under your feet. But remember . . . this is your time, and you came here for this time. SO MANY have come to experience this rapid evolution and rebooting of an entire system. Your body IS going with you. This has been the plan for eons. Atlantis was only a dress rehearsal, and we know that it didn't go so well. But you have all learned and grown through this age, and this time . . . is your time. We can see from NO TIME, and we can see that you have completed the job. You are victorious, and you are celebrating in the most extraordinary style. Hold this dream of victory as you pass through this year with all of its tidal waves of energy that are coming.
There is no doubt that your body will feel rocked and surprised by this year's energies. But your heart and inner truths are unshakable now. Rely on this inner truth when your body is telling you differently. No one will be immune to this process. There are going to be a lot of mixed signals in the outer world. Don't listen to them.
There will be medical experts out there telling you to drug yourself with anti-anxiety and anti-depressants meds. This won't help you as you are going to reboot anyway. Fighting the process will only make it less joyful. There will be well meaning alternative healers as well who will tell you to eat this, or do that. Again don't listen to them unless your heart is in full resonance with their suggestions. Everyone has a unique past that comes from your spiritual ancestors. We are not talking about your genetics; like who are you parents or grandparents. We are talking about your spiritual past. This is an akashic past that is much more potent than that of your genetic past. Listen to your heart, your core, your inner constant. This is your orientation point in a world that is wobbling like an out of control gyroscope. Fighting the transformation at this point will only make it harder and less joyful. There is no escape. If you are in a body, you will re-boot and re-celebrate. Remember . . . this is great fun for you spirit and soul. This is why you came here.
In these coming waves, you are going to feel out of sorts and your body is going to give you weird issues that seem to come and go. You might feel like you need to hunker down and lay low for these shifts and changes; but we do not suggest this, although it is your free will to do whatever you want. Let us explain . . . You know when you sit in a chair too long, you get stiff. This is what will happen if you don't KEEP MOVING while these waves wash over you. You will not find the answers you need while hiding in your home praying for solutions. The world is moving into a unified field of collective manifesting. You cannot do this by yourself. Pieces of your solution to this transformation are out in the world with other like-minded souls. All the pieces to this transformation are spread out among all of you. This is why you need like-minded ones around you. These waves are too large to surf alone. You must do this together.
There are going to be a lot of huge waves in 2012 that we will be surfing together. This is a good time to gather with like-minded soul family that live in a place that is centered in the heart and not from fear. Surround yourself with FEARLESS beings. We love the logo "NO FEAR" that you wear, because this is what we are asking you to BE now; FEARLESS and full of LOVE, TRUST, and a deep knowing that the big celebration is nearly upon you all.
The following are some of the energy waves that, at this point in our no time perspective, we expect may come to you. This does not mean that it will happen as we say here. The future is not real and can change at any moment as you evolve. There may be other waves that are coming as well that we do not see today as Aluna transcribes this for you.
The first wave will be on your Equinox. GATHER TOGETHER and celebrate this beginning wave of your great transformation. Equinox will bring a much needed balance in your world that will be necessary for what comes after this date. Balance yourselves in preparation as you will need this later. We can't say this strong enough. Please hear this, and do as your heart calls. This ballance will be essential in the days to come.
From Aluna . . .
On March 21st, we will enter the Maya year of 2 KAN (Kiche long count) and 10 EB (Yucatan Haab count). 2 KAN is about balancing duality, but Kan can also bring up survival issues. I think this is why the Star Elder are speaking strongly about gathering together with like-minded souls, so your collective positive intent will soften the duality and the body issues that might raise survival issues. Negative and fearful friends and family, etc will be toxic to you now. The year of 10 EB is about the awakened human finally arriving and anchoring. We are finally going to put our feet down on a new foundation to a new world. 10 is all about manifesting in a real physical dimension. EB is about exuding outer peace, but inside there can be inner turmoil. The outer peace is our heart knowing and truth. The inner turmoil, fear, etc... that we have inside is the last of the old programming fading away. If we do not feed it, it will starve. Feed the Love, starve the fear.
Go to for suggestions for the Solar Wave Equinox Global Celebrations.
Back to the Star Elders . . .
The next large wave we see that you might experience profoundly is a total solar eclipse on May 20th ( In the path of this total solar eclipse, your dimension will begin an entire reboot of its operating system on your Earth. As the sun is blocked so perfectly by your moon, in this very still, no-time place, a new operation system will be created and uploaded into your body as well as your world, solar system and universe. Remember that this is a universal shift and recalibration . . . not just a planetary one. We are shifting with you, as well as Ascended Masters and Angelic Realms. We are all transforming together as ONE in unity. If you are in the path of the shadow of this eclipse, the download will be quicker, more complete and graceful. You will become the living messengers for this new download for the rest of the world that did not have the luxury to travel into the eclipse path. This new operating system will begin to spread across the Earth over some time (a month or two). Again we strongly say, gather with fearless ones on the days surrounding this reboot. Gather with ones that come from the inner knowledge of Love, trust and truth that this transformation of our reality is already victorious.
(We will be in Mt. Shasta in the path of the eclipse. Join us if you are called to do so ( ).
Another large wave we see that you might experience profoundly is the June 6th Venus transit. For the last 8 years, your collective consciousness has been building a model for a unified, universal heart. This process began on the last Venus transit on June 8th, 2004. This new unified, universal heart model will be downloaded into the new operating system. The collective unified heart will be anchored. Any place where there is not love expressed, it will be shaken to its core. This will cover everything including your personal relationships all the way to global governmental systems. This new down load will make selfish acts nearly impossible to achieve. In other words, we will begin to think, act and live in the knowing that there is no separation and all life is connected. We will not be able to make a choice without considering the whole and future generations. This new heart model will take several weeks before it is fully anchored. The universe is loving and kind and will allow this heart transformation download slowly so you can readjust with each daily heart pulse. Breathe . . . surround yourself with loving, positive, like-minded souls. This will make your heart transformation a joyful experience instead of a painful one. But we see that this will be somewhat uncomfortable for everyone to a certain extent, as this new heart program has never been experienced in a human form before. This program has been long awaited by so many of you that already consider your actions and the future reproductions of these actions. Thank you for holding this space open for this program to down load. You are and will be successful.
The next big wave we see will be on November 13th . . . the second total solar eclipse ( Now that the heart model has been fully anchored into your new heart, as well as into your world and our universe, this eclipse will be quite important and very potent as it makes necessary adjustments based on our collective consciousness. This will make the universe self-justifying. What we are saying here is that anything that is still not in alignment with unified love will be reprogrammed to make adjustments for human error. This is not a judgment on humanity. But we know that holding a perfect love space in your wobbling world will be hard to accomplish 100% of the time. So the universe is giving you a break for any mis-qualified energy you may have anchored. We also tell you this to be easy on yourself. It is difficult to hold perfect space in a radically morphing world. Relax and just be your truth as much as you can. The universe will clean up anything you might have done that came from anything but love. In this eclipse path, there will be a temporary no-time space in which to reboot all the upgrades. This eclipse will be quite intense, and we are glad that most of the passage of this eclipse is over the ocean to soften its impact. During this time, we can see that there is going to be a lot of upgrading. Stay in a place of peace and neutrality as the reboot washes across the Earth. Now you are running on a fully upgraded and re-calibrated system. It is time to give this new world a test run. You have been ready for this for eons.
The next wave will come in mid-December on 12/12/12 which also falls on an important celebration day for the Maya 8 BATZ. For the Maya, this day is a recalibration of their sacred calendar, and it will set off an explosion that will light the fire under the new programming that we have helped download this entire year. Essentially the Maya Elders will be plugging it ALL in. This comes almost 2 weeks before the December 21, 2012 date that so many of you are aware of.
More about this Maya calendar go here
The last wave of the year comes on December 21, 2012. All you old souls will be celebrating in love and peace. Any that have not allowed this recalibration to take place, and were strong enough to hold it off , will hit an extreme crisis point. Your job is to anchor love and positive intent in celebration, and THIS ACTION will bring these last hold outs into alignment with the new program. This is not a judgment for these souls. They were the last hold outs to keep the old world running up to the very last second, and they did this for us. This was a very hard job for them. ALL souls on your Earth are pieces of God. So don't forget this.
So, with this said, we suggest and hope that you will gather in HUGE numbers on December 21, 2012 around the Earth to celebrate no matter what the outer world is doing. Remember that you are living in the no-fear all-love zone. You are opening portals to your heart, the Earth and the universe. Be out on Mother Earth and under Father Sun. Go to your sacred sites, celebrate and be in love with all your soul family. This is your time. You have waited and prepared for a long time. So allow yourself to celebrate this victory and revel in the glory of the shining God that is in YOU and now anchored in the world and universe.
Be in Love and Peace and know all is well."
ALUNA JOY YAXK'IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. She inspires and encourages others to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. In the Inca world, Aluna is considered a Qawaq (cow-wak) Clairvoyant, or seer of living energy. Those who know Aluna, call her a modern mystic and/or a psycho-geographical healer. Aluna simply considers herself a Spiritual Archaeologist using her Clairvoyant/Clairsentient gifts to read ancient history of sacred sites. She helps others to tune their inner ears to hear, and also brings forward to modern times the wisdom and teachings of the past. She speaks on the subjects of Spiritual Archaeology and the Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness through the guardians and masters of ancient cultures of the Maya, Inca, and Egyptian/Atlantis worlds. Aluna's work has been influenced by a life long interaction with the Star Elders combined with a series of shamanic experiences that accelerated over 2 decades of travel in the sacred sites of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt, Greece, England, Australia and New Zealand. Aluna acts as a cross cultural Spiritual Guide on unique pilgrimages to Mexico, Guatemala and Peru, and occasionally Egypt. She is a carrier of one of the rare Stones of Ica from Peru. She also offers Star Elder Sessions, formulates Sacred Site Essences. She is the author of "Mayan Astrology", "The Mayan Daykeeper" and "The Mayan Time Decoder". Her articles have been published worldwide since 1994
Copyright 2012 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA

Peace and love

Friday, 2 March 2012

Message From The Galactic Federation

It reads

A very restricted plan is unfolding whereby our ships of the Galactic Commands will rendezvous with certain members of your societies as well as certain members of your media. You may construe this as ‘landings’, and you may not. The term ‘mass landings’ has been used from time to time by some of you, but what does a ‘mass landing’ signify precisely? We of the Galactic Federation of Light have a great deal of ships orbiting your world at this time and we also have many ships stationed and on patrol throughout this solar system. If we were to land all of our ships or even a large percentage of our ships at one time, this could be perceived as an invasion by those who are yet uninformed of our peaceful intent and by those of you who are allowing the emotion of fear to consume you.
Our plans in the near future are to work personally with many selected individuals of your world to perform the necessary tasks to prepare your planet for ascension into the higher realms. We would not describe this part of the overall operation as ‘mass landings’, but it will be necessary to direct a number of our ships to ground-level. We do need to rendezvous with those that will be working with us, and we will also be required to navigate some of our ships close to ground-level in order to perform some of the tasks essential for the advancement of your world. Do you see the difference dear ones? Know that when we say to you that we will be working with many of you personally that we mean just that, and nothing or no one will interfere with this plan as it is a necessary step on your way to ascension.
How many of our ships will be navigating throughout your skies is a question that will be answered in the days ahead, and you will not have to take anyone's word on this as you will all be able to devise a rough estimate by totaling the number of sightings, and you will also be able to begin to recognize some of our ships according to size and shape as many of our ships are quite distinctive from some of the others.
How many of you will be working with us is another question that will soon be answered, and we tell you today that we are already making our selections of who we feel would be positive additions to our teams and who have also earned their opportunity. How these opportunities are earned are up to you to answer for yourselves, although we will say to you that our workplace is not very different from many of your working environments in your world, only the nature of some of our work may not be what many of you have ever experienced.
What a wonderful opportunity for the people of your world to see what we are really all about. They will see that we have family structures such as your own, and how we all work and play together no matter what our race or planetary origins. The people of your world will witness our organization working with you to repair the damages done to your world. How then will anyone be taken seriously any longer when they say that we are of evil intent and cannot be trusted?
There are many of your world who believe this today, but they shall not believe this for very much longer, and this is one of our many goals. Those of you who will be working with us will share their stories of these experiences. We will allow you to bring back home with you evidence of your time spent with us, and you will be asked to share this evidence to those of your world. This is our disclosure plan, to announce to the people of your world that we are here, that we are a peaceful organization, and that we are only here to help, to assist you in the areas of your world that require care and attention. That is what we do, and that is all we do. We do not conquer, we do not pillage, and it will be soon that no one on your planet will be able to say otherwise and be taken seriously. This will be so.
We see so many of you doing your best to spread this truth, and we thank you so very much for your hard work and determination. We do see others of your world not only buying into the lies about us, but also making efforts to spread these falsehoods to others. This is your right and your free will choice. We only ask you to learn more about the sources of this information you are spreading about us. We ask you to examine why it is you resonate with these fear peddlers, and try to use better your powers of intuition and feel the energy these individuals are giving off. Do they radiate with love? Do you feel that their words can be trusted? Do their messages radiate with truth or deception? Please ask yourself these questions before you take part in the sharing and dissemination of these lies that can be, at certain levels, very detrimental to our mission here and to the people of your world.
We are not suggesting you follow our instructions or wishes. We wish to make it clear that we honor and respect your right to exercise your free will choice. We are only asking that those of you who choose to take part in this disinformation agenda choose carefully who you wish to trust as a source of your information. We feel that with a certain level of research and background checking, you may be surprised who and what is behind some of these individuals whose words you are accepting as truth and are passing on to others. That is all we ask of you. Is this fair enough dear ones?
Much of our mission rides on the acceptance of us by certain number of your citizens. We feel we will reach this quota in due time and all of your world will benefit greatly upon this success. We ask you though, how much longer should the people of your world suffer because so many not only continue to buy into the fear-based lies about us, but who also willingly participate in the spreading of this disinformation? How much longer? This is what we ask.
Allow us to prove to you who we are and what we have come here to do. Do you think you have so much to lose? Do you think you are free today? Do you think the Cabal does not have plans to enslave you? Many of you see clearly that the dark ones are losing their grip on you. What do you think is the cause of this, and why do you feel the Cabal does not implement their plan to completely enslave you? Why are their detainment centers they have built all over the world not being filled with those of the voices of dissent? Why do you think those who are quickly losing their power and control over you sit by idly and watch as this all happens without amassing any resistance? Ask yourself these questions dear ones, and you may begin to see us in a different light, the light we deserve and have earned.
We wish to share with you what we have, not take. We have the power and the means to take at will if this is what we desired, yet we have undertaken a wide ranging campaign to awaken you and empower you. Why would we do that if we wish to conquer? Those of you helping to spread the lies about us, please ask yourself these questions. This is all we ask, and we thank you for taking the time to make a qualified decision as to which messages you choose to share about us.
Moving on to recent developments in and around your world, we have turned up the pressure on the remaining space forces of the dark Cabal and we can safely report that their forces are dwindling down quickly in size and the end for their once sizable array of space fighters is soon at hand. As we have made clear on many occasions, we do everything in our power to see that no physical harm comes to those soldiers manning these space fighters and other space related systems, and those taken into custody are removed from this area and relocated to safe zones where they can begin their reeducation programs where the first thing they will learn is the reality of who they were fighting for. As we have said, this comes as quite a surprise to many of them. We also see this information coming as quite a surprise to many of your world as well, and we will back up what we share with you with undeniable evidence, as we possess great technology that can offer irrefutable proof of what we offer as fact.
Many of you will be quite astonished of the crimes committed against you, and we say to you to look beyond anger and any need for revenge and instead focus on adequate justice and rehabilitation for these souls. Many souls today who are very positive members of their Galactic communities were once aligned with the dark and fought against the forces of light, but there is always an opportunity for one to find their way back to the light and every soul deserves this chance. You are all children of your Creator, and as such all deserve all the guidance and nurturing required to bring you up into the light. We suggest to you that you find a way to allow these lost souls to receive the restructuring that will allow them this chance. There may even be some of you that were given just this opportunity and a chance to find your way back to the path into the light.
We see the heat beginning to be turned up on the members of the Cabal and we see they now have no place to turn, with no alternatives but complete surrender. No more are they plotting and scheming as now their days are filled with conference calls with legal teams in an attempt to construct some sort of defense when they are inevitably brought before a court of justice. Once a tight brotherhood of criminals devoted to their dark agenda, today they seek to blame one another and offer some of their pawns as scapegoats and patsies.
Some of these individuals today are attempting to run and to hide from the justice that will surely find them, as we have means to locate them where ever it is they shall try to hide. Each of those who have plotted and schemed against your people will be brought to justice; there will be no other way as their fate has already been chosen by they themselves. These names will be many, and the list will grow as arrests are made. Justice will be had by the people of your world, and you will not have very much longer to begin to witness this for yourselves.
Turning towards your new financial system, there are many men and women who have been working on your new system tirelessly for months, and for some, even years now. Your old system has already crumbled, it is not crumbling. It is being held up by smoke and mirrors at this time. Your World Bank and the US Federal Reserve are bankrupt. They are not being permitted to pass the worthless pieces of paper they print at will, as these notes have no intrinsic value. They are just paper, nothing more.
The people of your world have a new system waiting in the wings that will carry you to your ascension. This is the plan, and has been the plan for far longer than many of you may realize at this time. Many dedicated men and women have offer their services towards this new system and much of their labors have been of a strictly volunteer nature. Much appreciation for their efforts is called for, and upon the unveiling of your new system many of these courageous men and women will be made known to you, and they and the story of the creation of your new system will also be made known to you throughout many of your media outlets. You can be assured of this. Do not allow yourselves to lose hope for your new system as it is very real do ones, and it is nearly ready for its historical launch.
Your new system will alleviate many of the inherent flaws and limitations of your old system, namely in the way money is created and circulated. Your new system will supply a currency backed by genuine precious metals, in contrast to your old system that held relatively miniscule amounts of gold reserve. This has been the problem at the center of your economic woes, and will not be a factor in your new system as one hundred percent of your new currency will be backed by real and tangible value. Your new system will relieve the strains that have been unduly placed upon you due to the old system that created wealth for a few out of debt of the many. Your new system will not be based on debt, and will allow every member of your human family to prosper the way your journey has always been intended.
Upon the launch of your new system, your people will be released from their shackles of debt, and we see great relief and joy sweeping all across your world. This will be a tremendous boost as you head down the home stretch towards your ascension, and we see your collective vibration jumping at the news that your old system is dead and your new system has now been born.
This day will surely be a most triumphant day for humanity, and will be one of the most significant days in the entire history of your world. This day is coming; you can be assured of this. We ask you to do your part and help this day manifest. Bringing the members of your Cabal to justice is the triggering point of your new system, and we ask you to continue to spread the news of the arrests that will soon be broadcast through your media.
We have shared with you how important it is that you set the table for this event, as we wish for as many of your world to benefit as greatly as possible from this breaking news. Please do your part to give others some idea of what these proceedings mean to them. This is your task at this time. As we have said, you will not be left looking foolish, as these arrests will happen and already we see related legal proceedings finding their way to the people of your world through many of your media outlets. Other major media outlets will begin their coverage of these events in time as well, and the mass arrests of members of the Cabal will make headlines, you will not have to dig deep to locate this coverage.
From our vantage point we see all the different areas of our mission proceeding smoothly, and all remains perfectly on schedule. We again thank you, our agents in the field, and we say to you to continue to persevere as you are fastly approaching the light at the end of the tunnel. You do not have long to wait until we can begin working personally with you and this difficult area of your assignment will be finally behind you. You are all doing a truly wonderful job, and we thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts and your courage to stand up for what you believe in.
This is one of the reasons you have been chosen for this assignment, as to act as a Wayshower for your fellow man, as courage and conviction are traits well worth the pursuit to obtain them. It is hoped that many of your brothers and sisters will take notice and respond to this vibration. Continue to do your best and lead by example, as your actions and not words are always the best teacher.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Peace and love