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Monday, 31 October 2011

The Space Of The One

The space of the One

I believe us all atoms of a consciousness
that is greater than the sum of it's parts.
And I believe in the source of everything and that it shines
in our eyes and our hearts.
I have seen the light at the source of my soul,
and I can see the same light in you.
Namaste, namaste, dear spirit friend,
you are me,as I am you.
All the same, all the same,
from a single source,
Like rays from a single sun.
All of me, all of you, all of everything.
Contained in the space of the one.
Love and respect

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Ascencion Eearth mesage

22.52 26/10/11 It reads

Pleiadian Messages 10/25/11

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 07:46 PM PDT

A look forward to events sees humanity finally free from the shackles of tyrannical rule that has kept you locked into lives of slavery and servitude for thousands of years. Slavery has never been abolished. Mankind itself has been slaves to the ruling elite in one form or another for millennia. You are now to be truly freed from your lives that have been filled with toil and struggle. Greener pastures we wish for you, our family, and it is just this that will now be yours. Do you not sense this incredible change sweeping over the horizon dear ones? Do you not feel the changing breeze that promises to set your world free for once and forever? You have so much to look forward to now as the dark rulers of your planet are being removed from power. We, the Galactic Federation, in cooperation with our Earth allies, are in the final stages of the removal of these dark forces and their many scattered minions. Arrests will be made, as there is no other way in some cases to silence the endless planning and scheming of certain individuals who stubbornly have refused to bow out gracefully. We are fully prepared and quite capable of such a task, and look forward to carrying out this operation that will see the last of the cabal’s holdouts incarcerated and relocated to secure areas where they can no longer be any threat to your safety and well being.

Through the many years of your incarnations, much has been thrown in your path to distract you and hamper your journey towards your natural right of ascension into a better and brighter reality. You let nothing stop you. You persevered through long years of hardship and loss, sadness and pain, but you never quit. If you had, you would surely not be where you are today, standing at the threshold of every dream and every wish you have ever had. Do you now see just how far you have come? More and more souls are awakening to this fact every day, and it will not be long now until a preponderance of your planet’s population is awakened to your new and once undreamed of possibilities. We are here to help you visualize these possibilities, for visualization is a very powerful tool in regards to manifestation of your chosen reality. Let no one distract you or stand in your way now as you are so very close to the unveiling of all that you have truly earned. Grace is at hand, and all past karmic debts are being satisfied as you are being prepared for your grandest adventure. Know in your hearts that are creating these glorious changes that your safety and well being is our top priority, and we do everything we can to see that no harm comes to you. Certain aspects of personal and planetary karma must be permitted to play out, but always keep in mind that we use our advanced technologies and many years of experience to see to it that all threats either natural or otherwise are restrained considerably for your safety and well being. We wish you to know that the end is clearly in sight, and a new beginning that promises beauty, splendor, and surprise beyond your current imaginations awaits you fully prepared for your greatly anticipated arrival. What a joy it will be for all of us to dance together in the light of blissful reunion. We are your family, and have always been a part of all your lives. There was a time when we walked together and shared meals together as one, united by something deeper than you may currently understand. You will soon remember this connection, and you will soon know what we mean when we say we are one, as indeed we are. So we have always been and always will be.
There are so many worlds who have come together in the name of peace and progress throughout this and other galaxies, and your beautiful blue planet and all of you dear souls are a testament to this wonderful universal cooperation. You are indeed our children. You possess the bloodlines of many and great beings from many advanced civilizations throughout the cosmos. You, your children, and your children’s children to come will be known throughout space and throughout time for who they are, where they have come from, what they have been through and how incredibly far they have come. Your efforts to persevere, to preserve your families, your villages, your cities, countries, and even your entire civilizations has been looked upon by so many other planetary civilizations with awe, and whatever it is that ticks inside the hearts of the human race has been the subject of great examination and careful study by great minds for many millennia. This immutable spark of divine fortitude is unique to the human race, and will be forever preserved within you as you are soon christened the Galactic Human.
We are truly honored to call you our family, and we are so proud of each and every one of you. You will know this when we have cleared all paths that will enable us to safely walk amongst you again, our brothers and sisters. This moment is edging so close, and we are already making last minute preparations for this grand reunion. We will be with you again so very soon. Until then, you may help us facilitate these changes as we assist you. Keep spreading your messages of light most far and most wide, as this creates the energies that fuel your new unimaginable reality. We will be with you soon.
We are your Star Family.

As channeled through Greg Giles

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Message From Ascension Earth

18.49 16/10/11
It Reads

Earlier this week, several channels of higher intelligences began reporting that mainstream media, which has long been in the control of the dark cabal, would begin to report the true goings on within our world, and even beyond. My Pleiadian guides have also shared this information with me during our last communication. Many may have taken notice of an interesting press release concerning Bigfoot that came on the heels of this Galactic Federation announcement, but may have failed to realize the major significance of this story. It was not a coincidence that one of the greatest mysteries of our time was selected as a sign, a signal to the Galactic Federation and their millions of Earth allies that the media corporations were now willing to ‘play ball’ and end their years of lies, cover-ups, and propaganda.
The Sasquatch and his Himalayan cousin the Yeti, have for many years been a subject the dark cabal has spent much time, energy, and money covering up, as the Sasquatch species has the power to unravel the cabals complete and despicable fabrication of the true origins of humanity. (A recent propaganda documentary airing on the National Geographic channel even featured actors that were paid to falsely claim that the famous Patterson footage was actually one of them in a gorilla suit. No mention, of course, of why they would choose to portray Bigfoot with huge female breasts, or where they were even able to find such a costume.)
What has for so long worried the masters of the dark cabal was the day humanity finally learned that we did not evolve from apes or the caveman as they so wish us to believe, but instead, we are already advanced beings of light who have traveled here from many different star systems within this vast universe. We have had little memory of our universal heritage due to our agreement that we would complete this cycle of duality wearing a veil of ‘forgetfulness’, in light of the catastrophe of Atlantis and the necessity to finish our evolutionary cycle clear of this memory. Many of us today are not only direct descendants of the advanced peoples of Atlantis, but are indeed the very same beings who called Atlantis our home.
It may now become more evident to many just how important this recent press release regarding Bigfoot is, and just how far the implications may reach.
Love and Peace people

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

ASCENSION 2012 Message

today i recieved this message 15.33 12/10/2011
It reads

Once the place in the heart is found, all can proceed. The necessary changes are scheduled and will take place, nothing can, or will stop this from happening. The heart is where all these changes derive from, and this must always be remembered. For what good are the changes if the heart is forgotten and the corruption of your society is allowed to transpire once again? We ask of you at this time to take a moment and stand atop all that is and all that shall topple and all that will come, and ask yourself where everything went so wrong, and what is turning everything around at this point in your collective journey. It is your intentions, pure or impure that is the catalyst for changes either positive or negative in nature to occur. Try to see things from a higher perspective always, and your journey can and will be so much easier without all the need for collapse and rebuilding from the ground up. We, the Galactic Federation fleet, in conjunction with the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchies look at your beautiful world in wonder. How beautiful it once was, and how badly it was destroyed when so many strayed waywardly from the lighted path. We ask you to always be mindful of your footsteps and where you trample, as your world is so vital to the universe in so many ways you cannot possibly understand this at this time. Much is connected throughout the vastness of space, and your planet and all its multitudes of different species is a lynchpin of this great universe. You are appointed stewards of this great world, Sheppard’s to see the flock safely delivered home. Many beings from many different galaxies and star systems have sent representatives here. Earth has been a great experiment in cultural refinement and structuring. If you had any idea how many worlds took note and careful study of everything you all do here, you assuredly would all act and treat each other so very differently. We love you all, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking part in the grand endeavor, and we wish you to know that all has been a great success. You all deserve such gratitude for all you have done and been through, and you shall be greatly rewarded for your efforts. Try to always remember that you are all in it together. You are all family, members of the great universal families of light. You are representatives of many and great worlds who have also grown so much through trials and tribulation. You all should be proud of your accomplishment; we understand full well your journey here has been quite arduous at times.

Today marks a turning point in your collective reality. So much has been transpiring behind the scenes, and most has been kept from you by your current world controllers and the media outlets they have kept in their pockets for so long. That day is over now, as media outlets around the world have agreed in principle to now begin to speak the truth and accurately and fully begin to report the real goings on in and off your world. You will begin to see many things that will shock many people. Be there for your friends and family as they are souls who have not advanced as quickly as you have. Comfort them, answer all the questions they might have, remembering your own truth that there is nothing to be afraid of. All has been decreed by the creator. Earth is not alone in the universe, and you have never been unaffected by numerous civilizations throughout space. The archeological evidence is surely overwhelming, and could never be denied. You are about to be reunited with the architects of many of your greatest archeological mysteries, and we are prepared and excited to answer any and all of your questions concerning all your planet’s long held secrets. There will be no more secrets kept from you. Knowledge is light, and your world is now readied to fully return to the light where it has always belonged. We stand in this light today, and it will not be long now until you stand with us in reunion, bathed in the eternal light of the Creator’s divine love for us all. Prepare for this magical moment. See you all so very soon.
We are your Star family.
As channeled through Greg Giles
Sharing is caring!

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Ascension Earth

The human race as a collective, and each and every individual soul on the planet today will soon experience a release of the shackles that have kept us all chained to lives of slavery at the hands of the elitist ruling class and their tyrannical laws that were specifically designed to strip us of our rights to live lives of freedom and prosperity. Their greed derived from fear. Fear of not having enough money or power. We agreed to incarnate here under these conditions, but this agreement came with the stipulation that we would also have the opportunity to experience this planet’s return to a golden age utopia. You may sleep tonight knowing in your hearts that this transformation is already well underway, and will culminate with the ascension of this entire world into a higher dimensional state. Throughout the remaining fourteen months, you will see many amazing things. You will see firsthand that there is, and has always been, souls of light, of love and kindness just like you throughout every corner of the globe, and throughout all different races and nationalities. You will also find that there are also kind and peaceful souls who also wish to return this planet to a world of love and light throughout the ranks of the police, the military, and throughout the alphabet intelligence agencies at the Pentagon. For so long, you have only seen the worst of what the human race is capable of. You are now about to witness for yourself, without having to take anyone else’s word for it, just what the human race is also capable of. This has always been the plan of the Creator, His Angels, and spiritual warriors. Have you been here so long and have been through so much hardship that you can no longer believe that God and His universe have so much more to offer you than what you have experienced here? Have you not seen the miracles possible when enough humans come together in common goal? Soon you will be freed from lack, from your shackles of servitude, from debt and from disease. Never again will a human go to bed hungry, or on the street. Never again will a human bear arms against his brother. Never again will our planet be poisoned. Is this too fantastic for you to believe? Do you not realize that all of this could already have been accomplished without the assistance of anyone else, but just by the redistribution of the enormous amounts of wealth that has been systematically stolen from the people by just a few interconnected families and the governments they have owned like so many trophies on their mantelpiece? This is not secret knowledge, as anyone with basic math skills can easily confirm these facts by researching the public accounting records of our global financial system. For the first time in our history, enlightened souls within many different agencies within the Pentagon have joined forces with powerful members of the public sector, as well as like minded souls within the US and even foreign military establishments to bring down these ruling families who have made themselves Kings, Queens, Presidents, and even spiritual leaders. Do you not believe that together we can defeat these few families and their draconian rule and redistribute their stolen booty? Never before has humanity experienced such a bonding, such a coming together of enlightened souls from so many different walks of life. You so wished to be here to witness this, the most incredible time ever to be alive anywhere in this universe, and you will not for one moment be disappointed. The show is about to begin.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Message recieved 16.19pm 05/10/2011
It reads

SaLuSa tells us that with the coming of 11-11-11 a tidal wave will sweep the world and wash everything in its path with love. He tells us the people will win their battle for change. He says the younger generation are fearless and will continue until they achieve success.

He says as well that the younger generation have incarnated exactly for this purpose and carry the answers that higher consciousness brings. Those souls not ready for Ascension will leave the Earth and the ones who remain will lead happy, joyful and peaceful lives. This will result from the Time of Separation.

The rest will come together and find themselves following paths exactly suited to our consciousness and vibration. What counts is what we are inside. If we are living our truth as far as possible, we are on the path to Ascension. He explains how to live life so as to derive maximum benefit from it. He tells us how carefully planned our lives are.

He tells those in zones of earthquake activity to watch the animals and follow their intuition and inner guidance if they sense a need to move. He tells us the galactics are monitoring everything and mitigate where they can. He says that the critical period for the Earth allies to remove the Illuminati and their minons approaches.

SaLuSa, Oct. 5, 2011

In next to no time you will be reaching that magical 11.11.11, when each soul will be lifted up whether they are aware of it or not. It will help calm situations that are causing concern, as we do not wish to see the Middle East conflicts accelerated. What has been happening is the result of people waking up to how they have been manipulated and used to support the lives of those who rule over them. That energy for change is sweeping the world and, with the intent of the people, it is going to be like a tidal wave washing away everything in its path. In the West such movements are gradually gathering pace, and the authorities are trying to stem their impact. They cannot be ignored for long and the people will win this battle.

Not everyone likes the idea of demonstrating, but it is the type of energy that is found with the younger generations who are fearless where it is concerned. They are the ones who understand that the old ways are no longer acceptable, and will continue their protests until they achieve success. Many are those souls who have incarnated for this purpose, but also carry the answers to the problems having higher levels of consciousness than most people.

It is all part of the greater plan for your release from the dark Ones and their hold on you. For some time you have been learning of what the future will bring, and it will change the face of your societies beyond recognition. However much some prefer to remain in the 3rd. dimension, once they become aware of how much they will benefit from the changes, they will realize that they have so much more to gain rather than lose.

Everyone desires to live a happy, joyful and peaceful life, and that is what lies ahead for you, as eventually those souls who are not ready for Ascension will leave the Earth. There will be an unavoidable parting of the ways based on a soul’s vibration, and that will allow those of a higher vibration and consciousness level to come together. They will be the ones who have rightly moved out of duality because its lessons have been learnt. As we have informed you quite often, it is you who determine which level you reside in whether you are directly aware of it or not. You will understand from this that you will be following a path that is absolutely right for you. There would be no gain if you were to find yourself at a level that you could not cope with.

We know that some of you who are kind decent souls are worried that for some reason you may not be ready for Ascension. Our answer for you is that if you are living a life where you avoid being judgmental, and can find it in your heart to be loving to all souls you have nothing to be concerned about. It is not about being religious, taking courses or buying your way into heaven. What counts is what you are inside, and if you are living your truth as far as possible you are well on the path to Ascension. Remember that your Guides know the real you, and if it is your aspiration to ascend they will be helping you to do so. Heaven rejoices each time a soul turns to the Light, and there is no turning back once you reach that decision.

It is hard to understand that life on Earth is an illusion, but if you can view it that way and see it as only a passing phase of experience it will have less impact upon you. It really is like the Holographic Deck on Star Trek, except that very few of you realize the truth. Before you entered your present life, you knew what your objectives would be as does everyone else who is part of it with you.

Freewill is still yours, but you are unlikely to avoid opportunities that come to you that are part of your life contract. Your aim is to experience in a way that speeds up your evolution. Therefore they are carefully chosen for maximum benefit to you. When it is a family karmic situation you can help each other through your experiences, and that helps create a strong bond between you all. You travel through life with little awareness of it, but your lives are carefully planned so that you gain the most out of them.

After such a long time in duality you are feeling the mental tiredness, and drag of the lower vibrations. To us it is extremely heavy and cloying, and we understand the effects upon you. That is why we have so much admiration for those of you who are able to lift yourselves up out of it. You have an astonishing degree of intent, and your resilience against all odds is well known. You are truly the heroes of the hour and your rewards for such a powerful stance are soon to manifest. You are wonderful souls, and we kneel at your feet in recognition of your Light and Love.

Regardless of your beliefs, there is no doubt that the changes are being felt by virtually everyone. There is also an anticipation of what lies immediately ahead, and as time speeds by you know that it will not be much longer before a major event occurs. Then you shall experience a whole series of events that will quickly carry you forward into the “promised land”. By now you have a good idea of what to expect, but even so it will pleasantly surprise you by its scope. We talk of worldwide changes as every soul together with Mother Earth is involved.

You will undoubtedly note that unlike the predictions of the gloom and doom merchants, Mother Earth has been relatively quiet and there has not been the worldwide destruction of catastrophic proportions. However, there are physical changes necessary and when they occur we will monitor them with a view to keeping their effect to a minimum. For those of you in areas that are noted for earthquake or volcanic activity, follow your intuition as to when and if necessary you feel you should move. The first signs are often noticeable in Nature and animals have a more sensitive reaction to changing energies. They will leave in advance of the actual event so their actions are worth noting.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and can tell you that the Galactic Federation are poised to back our allies on Earth when they push ahead with removing the Illuminati and their minions. We all need to know that they along with their power have been removed before we can work openly with you. The critical period approaches and we look to make our move without further delay. Stay firmly on course for Ascension and you will have nothing to worry about – all is as well as ever, and we are with you all of the way.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Love and respect to all visitors

2012 Message

Message recieved 13.42 on 05/10/2011 It reads All follow, or will follow the path. Before one incarnates, a blueprint is mapped out for one’s journey through the challenges and triumphs of duality. Never before has so many accepted such a rigorous test, and the results are nothing short of spectacular. Keep in mind that all have agreed to experience just what they have experienced, and nothing anyone has encountered was not agreed to beforehand. All is as it should be, and all has been designed to test and strengthen one’s character and resolve. You all are doing so marvelously. Soon you will all graduate to a higher area to learn and to grow. That is what it is all about, that is why you chose to come here in the first place. Although at times it seems that all makes no sense, and that all the hardships and sadness is for naught, we tell you everything has its purpose. In every area you needed to grow were events and challenges that were designed specifically for you to learn from. Accept these challenges with grace and understanding that they are precisely what you wished to experience at that exact moment in time. We, the souls who have remained for now beyond the veil, and you, the souls who have journeyed down through the dimensions, have carefully worked together in all the areas agreed upon before your earthly incarnation. Understand this truth and your difficult journey, and the load you are carrying will lighten considerably, don’t you agree? We at times watch you decide which path you choose to take when a fork of decision presents itself to you. We marvel at your choice sometimes, and we respect and understand when your decision leads you down a path that is rocky and dark. All roads lead to enlightenment. That is the grand design of the labyrinth of choices you all have before you. Some may take more time to reach the lighted doorway to the next higher dimension, but be assured always to know all will arrive at the same door eventually, according to personal preference and choice. We have all reached these doorways, and we tell you your individual journeys are worth every part of it. Through loss, struggle, and hardship, your journeys were escalated through ‘time’ to hasten your arrival at the gates you so wanted to reach. That is the answer to a question so many of your world for so long have pondered. ‘If there is a God, why is there such sadness in the world?’ So many have asked this question, but so few have reached its understanding. Do you now understand? It is through these difficult challenges that the door you have only dreamed of for so many lifetimes is finally before you. You today stand at the threshold of something so glorious, so beautiful, do you sense it? Can you feel it? You are so very close. Be joyous you have all made it together. You are right beyond the doorway as we await you so excitedly on our side. Can you feel us? We can already feel you. It will not be long now. So many of your world are allowing confusion and sadness or fear to consume them at this time as they are feeling the new energies that accompany all the changes awaiting you, but we tell you, enjoy these energies, cherish them, for they are the keys to your door that will open into a world so magical, so absolutely beautiful that if you knew this today you would be singing and skipping everywhere you went. So rejoice, smile, paradise is at hand. You have but so few days to wait for events to get underway. Spread this knowledge, spread your light. All will happen as we have planned. Nothing can stop your return to full consciousness and the higher dimensions from which you came, and we, the Galactic Federation of Light and the Ascended Masters of the spiritual hierarchies have been given the honor to see that this decree is accomplished and all our carefully designed plans are followed to the letter. We will not fail, you will not fail. All is unfolding precisely according to plan. Rejoice, and know that so very soon you will cross the threshold into a living dream, where everything you have ever wished for will be yours forever and ever. So it has been written. We are your Star Family. We await just beyond the door before you. See you soon. As channeled through Greg Giles Regards Plazmuh

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Respect to all readers

Monday, 3 October 2011

Is This Just A Leading You On Message

Another Message from the Galactics but is this just a long winding road that leads to just another update later down the road 12.33 pm 03/10/2011 It Reads The Galactic Federation has stated that they will now increase the number of displays of their lightships as they fully realize that less than fifteen months remain before the ascension of humanity into a higher dimensional existence and many changes must get underway. The long awaited disclosure announcements that will introduce our cosmic family of light are essential, as first contact and a mass landing of Galactic Federation personnel is a vital step to prepare our planet and people for the final installment of the overall plan, ascension. The Federation feels so many of Earth’s population still remain unaware that the universe is teeming with intelligent life, and therefore a mass landing at this time would insight a great deal of fear. The GF has also stated that they have been initiating many sightings in third world countries for some time now, and that these events have gone largely unreported by western media. The Federation promises that they will now begin a campaign of sightings throughout the United States and other major cities around the world that are of such caliber that it will be unmistakable that the craft are theirs, and that media outlets around the globe will have no choice but to air the video evidence. Love and Respect to all viewers Plazmuh